Financial Services Marketing Blogs

News, opinions, research. Regular insight into latest trends in marketing for financial and B2B services.

Have we got marketing personas all wrong? dart target

Is it time to pull the trigger on marketing personas?

Persona development in marketing a really important. They’re a great way to make you think about your target audience in greater depth. But sometimes we need to approach them differently. Think about yourself as a persona for a second. (Because we can all be sure that someone in some marketing

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Man celebrating a win holding a trophy, representing good social content

How to create winning content

Content marketing is an increasingly important part of a company’s inbound marketing strategy, with companies now spending an average 30-40% of their total marketing budget on it. And for financial services it is even more important, as it can help to build trust between your customer and your brand/ product.

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How to simplify your marketing message

Marketing 101 = ‘Quit your Jibba Jabba’

When Stephen Hawkins successfully summarised the history of the universe in 236 pages for his book, ‘A Brief History of Time’, he broke records by occupying the UK best-sellers list for 234 days. Hawkins shocked academic doubters by proving how well non-genius’ respond to complex information put simply. It begs to reason

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Find your tone of voice for social media

Social Media: If Life is a dance floor, don't do the robot

5 Ways To Be Human Online
Recently something awkward happened. Sitting on a characteristically cramped train to Waterloo my eyes made contact with a complete stranger. I know what you are thinking, how reckless of me, and well I don’t know- it just happened. Of course I sought to rectify my feckless actions with respectfully averting my eyes away immediately, as did my victim. Ok so sure, I am being a bit dramatic, but the revelation remained- if it is such an infraction to look at another stranger how much more taboo is it to speak to them in person? It seems the new golden rule is- Love thy neighbour, just don’t talk to them directly- or make eye contact on The Tube… Oh God no.
It was not, of course, always this way, as I am sure your nana loves telling you. There was a time when our main interaction was face to face. Now, wait hold the phone, in fact I will… because that device in your hand is actually what has made us this way.

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Cool GIF bro meme

The return of the GIFs

The Google Trends tool offers some interesting insight into the rising popularity of GIFs. (And it’s previous decline). It seems we’ve gone full circle when it comes to our love-hate relationship with GIFs. It’s interesting to note that each year there’s a December peak – GIFs have always found a

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How do you create effective calls to action in marketing?

Get clever with your CTAs

Getting your call to action right can be tricky. Not so much where you want them to go, or what you want them to do, but the way in which you ask it. As I used to get told time and time again as a stroppy teenager – ‘it’s not

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Marketing messaging and strategy for insurance companies

Raising the bar in Insurance marketing

Insurance is the only thing that you ever buy that you’re glad to never get any use out of. At least it’s the only thing I can think of, apart from some dodgy impulse wardrobe buys. (Other ideas on a postcard please…) It’s like buying a Mars bar and then

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Agency for Direct Mail Marketing

Making a direct impact, the Moreish way

Whoever said that Direct Mail was dead? Codswallop, it’s still alive and kicking. Only these days, Direct Mail is just another channel to be considered as part of a successful integrated marketing campaign.  But Direct Mail is finding itself having to compete with the cost effective channel of email marketing

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What is agile marketing?

What is Agile Marketing? And why should I care?

Yay – a new buzzword! AGILE MARKETING You may have heard of the term ‘agile’ in relation to software development and glazed over with a vision of bespectacled neeks in jesus sandals getting excited about the last episode of Game of Thrones as their hipster beards get sodden with stale

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Tips for creating animated videos

Why animated videos flop…

We love doing videos. Done right, in our humble opinion, they can be the best way to bring a product alive, make a complex concept digestible and make really good shareable, snackable content. Done wrong, they do nothing for your brand or engagement. Here are our pet peeves to avoid

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