Defaqto ESG Reviews
The Challenge
Defaqto’s star ratings are instantly recognisable in the financial services sector and they are a leading review service with over 25 years of independent, trusted experience.
In recent years, there has been a real trend in the industry to embrace environmental, social and governance (ESG) procedures. In fact, £1.2 billion was invested in ‘ethical’ funds between April and July 2020, and £240 million was pulled out of funds that fail to consider such criteria.
Our challenge was to increase awareness of Defaqto’s ESG Reviews offering to both advisers and fund managers, and encourage fund managers to commission an ESG Review through Defaqto.
The Moreish Approach
We wanted to create a truly visual piece for this advertising campaign, and decided that two-frame GIF banners would work well to deliver a high-impact message, which would need to fit both the ESG offering and Defaqto’s brand.
We decided that a sudden contrast would be best with our GIF animation. We developed an idea that used a black and white image for the first frame, with a tag line that links to this idea too: “Differentiating between your ESG isn’t always black and white”. The GIF element then brings an explosion of colour and hope, with the second frame showing the message: “Bring it to life with ESG reviews from the independent experts.”
The stark contrast between monochrome and colour in the final product is eye-catching, simple, and appropriately Defaqto themed.
Moreish Results
The ESG Reviews digital banners have just been launched, so watch this space for results!
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