George: My Moreish Internship


Hey! My name is George and for the next 4 weeks I’m going to be an intern here at Moreish!

This blog is to keep you updated with how my time here at Moreish goes and my experience of being an intern for an account executive role. 

It’s actually a very unusual journey for me to get here. In fact, my current career is as a Personal Trainer. I met Simon while he was taking one of my classes (he was a fantastic student in an exercise class!) , and we got chatting during and afterwards about careers. Fast forward to now and I’ve been lucky enough to be given the chance to work as an intern during England’s second lockdown, gaining some valuable experience which at the moment is very hard to come by.

To give you a bit more information about me, I’ve always had a real interest and curiosity in marketing, and was a career I wanted to pursue during high school and sixth form. After a slight detour in career choices into Personal Training, I decided I wanted to commit to a career in marketing at the start of our first Lockdown at the start of the year. I completed the Marketing Week Mini MBA to help with my learning and get my started.

I’ve always been a sporty person, mainly playing football (a big West Ham fan as well!) and tennis over my short time on Earth, and that has definitely made me a competitive person, something I always use to my advantage by working hard! I also love to travel as much as possible. Last year I went away by myself exploring Rome and Paris; I absolutely loved doing it, and I would recommend it to anyone who is keen to explore! Hopefully I’ll be able to get away and explore more of the world soon, just as soon as all these restrictions ease up – fingers crossed it’s very soon! Something else that is always worth knowing (and something I ask all my current clients when I start to work with them) is that my top three favourite movies are the Back to the Future trilogy, Deadpool and Step Brothers. I am a real big fan of action, Sci Fi and comedy.

A question that I get asked a lot is; why marketing? Well, I am a very sociable person who loves interacting with people and getting engaged in topics and trends of the now. I am also a very curious person, I like to find out things; what’s going to peak people’s interest and what’s going to engage them in what is being offered. Ive always thought starting a career in an agency is perfect for me as well, as I’ll be able to work with different brands and different consumers, so I will get a wide range of experience in such a short period of time!

I also write a blog (Opinionated PT) about all things fitness and health, all from a professional’s Point of View, and I absolutely love it! Having a career where I can be creative is so important to me.

So, what am I expecting from the next month? Well, for myself I want to gain as much knowledge and experience as possible, trying to accelerate my learning as much as possible. And for Moreish; I hope I can be as helpful and useful for their fantastic team they have!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and next time you hear from me it’ll be at the other end of my internship journey, telling you all about my experience!