Financial Advice – an employee perspective

Despite the critical importance of financial literacy in today’s world, a staggering 73% of individuals in the UK fall short of meeting the recommended benchmark for understanding personal finances. At Moreish, we recognised this challenge and took proactive steps to empower our staff through financial coaching sessions.

In partnership with Octopus Money, we embarked on a mission to empower our team members with the tools and knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their financial well-being and future. This initiative not only aligns with our values but also reflects our commitment to fostering a culture of growth and personal development.

One of our team members, Holly, has shared her experience with us, shedding light on the transformative power of financial education.


Lessons I’ve learnt from my 1:1 Financial Coaching

It’s amazing how a few small financial steps can snowball into major positive changes!

Like many, I used to find the world of financial planning intimidating and jargon-filled. The thought of sorting through accounts, paperwork, and making sense of it all felt overwhelming. That’s why I’m grateful for my recent experience with Octopus Money’s 1:1 financial coaching.

At first, it felt almost intrusive to dive deep into my financial situation – from savings to retirement plans, debts, and risk levels, my coach asked me about everything. Facing some of those harsh realities wasn’t easy, but my coach helped me realize it’s never too late to change course. She prepared a thorough plan for me, armed me with plenty of info, and gave me the nudges I needed to make a start on taking charge of my financial future.

The key takeaways?

1️⃣ Start small to beat procrastination: There were several areas I needed to review and change, and it seemed overwhelming at first. But my coach broke it down into actionable weekly steps, giving me the push I needed to get the ball rolling. Once I made a little progress, it became easier to see the ‘trees for the woods’.

2️⃣ Embrace the power of momentum: By discussing, planning, and implementing changes consistently, I fell into a positive rhythm. Knowing that I had monthly sessions booked with my coach gave me the incentive to take actions and have updates ready to report.

3️⃣ Appreciate the impact of small changes: With the coaches advice at hand, my husband and I openly discussed our finances and made practical tweaks to support our goals. Small things like: increasing pension contributions, cancelling unnecessary subscriptions, investing instead of letting money sit idle in low-interest accounts, optimizing insurance policies, and comparing interest rates for better deals. These seemingly minor actions started adding up quickly. Small improvements stacked into significant compounded results over time.

In just three sessions, my financial outlook dramatically shifted. What once seemed daunting and complicated became manageable through consistent effort.

While I initially felt apprehensive about financial coaching, I now wholeheartedly recommend it. The experience equipped me with the knowledge and skills to make the most of my hard-earned money, avoiding costly mistakes and missed opportunities.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your financial situation, let my story inspire you to take that first small step. Trust me, it’s worth it! A tiny action today can kickstart a positive momentum that compounds into a brighter financial future.