Terms and Conditions

Adherence to high business standards is an important and integral part of the Moreish Marketing’s services, including our value chain. We promote the application of high legal, ethical, environmental and employee related standards within our own business and among our suppliers.

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to put in place a commitment to behave in a certain way and our policies – when dealing with our clients and their customers; and what we expect from our suppliers.

Moreish Marketing Ltd are accountable for the approach to business ethics set out in this document.

Codes of behaviours

The 8 principles set out below are anchored in internationally recognised standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Moreish Marketing and our Suppliers will look to follow these principles at all times.

  • Integrity: We should mutually expect to act honestly, fairly, with integrity and care in all aspects of our business together.
  • Clarity: Communications between us should be clear, unambiguous, and timely and not acting in a way that may put our integrity into question. Make sure all business and commercial dealings are transparent and accurately recorded.
  • Responsible: We should expect to act in a socially responsible manner pursuant to the countries in which we operate.
  • Feedback: We should be open in our feedback to each other to facilitate a successful working relationship, discussing when things are going well and when they are not.
  • Equal Opportunities: We should promote equal opportunities for everyone in employment – free from discrimination on the grounds of gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, marital status, creed, colour, race, religion, age, ethnic origin, nationality, union status or disability (which can include both physical and mental conditions).
  • Health & Safety: We recognise that the quality of products & services, consistency of production, and workers morale, are enhanced by a safe & healthy working environment.
  • Human Rights: We should respect all internationally proclaimed human rights and should be guided in the conduct of our business by the provisions of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) core labour standards, including all specific provisions on prevention of modern slavery and forced labour. Follow principles which ensure fair wages (preferably paying at least the relevant living wage) and decent working hours; the right to freely chosen labour; protection of young workers and no use of child labour.
  • Environment: We should mutually respect the environment and our environmental responsibilities to take reasonable measures to prevent damage to the environment. Consideration should be given to a products life cycle (raw materials, manufacturing, packaging, transportation, energy consumption and end of life disposal).
  • Supportive: At Moreish one of our key values is ‘Genuine care’ and we are committed to help society, our clients and each other, creating a positive flow of energy around money and fairness. We should actively promote financial wellbeing where we are able to do so and may include supporting local charities, community groups or initiatives with the intent of helping people achieve more financial freedom and security in alignment with our business purpose.
  • Progressive: We should feel able to actively engage each other if we believe efficiencies, value add activities or innovation could be achieved through continuous improvement in all our dealing together.
  • Challenging: If either party feels that an employee has not supported this Code of Behaviour then a complaint should be lodged with the Moreish Director [email protected] or the relevant Director at the Supplier / Outsourcer, where it will be investigated.
  • Procurement: Suppliers should, when conducting their own procurement activities, seek similar behavioural commitments as above from its own supply chain, in addition to any legally binding commitments within a formal contract. We expect suppliers to use trading terms based on written contracts which specify mutually agreed pricing and payment conditions.
  • Financial Crime: We should adopt a zero-tolerance approach towards acts of financial crime being undertaken in our business dealings with each other and all other areas of our business operations. To achieve this, both parties must comply with all applicable financial crime laws and regulations including, but not limited to, bribery and corruption, facilitation of tax evasion, fraud, market abuse, money laundering and financial sanctions.
  • Respect: We should treat each other with respect and consideration in all aspects of our operations. During any working relationships and 12 months there after our Clients shall not endeavour to contact, engage or work directly with any staff, freelancers or suppliers of Moreish Marketing without consent or permission of Moreish Marketing.

Further specific policies

Our modern slavery and human trafficking statement.

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It is designed to tackle slavery in the UK and consolidates previous offences relating to trafficking and slavery.

Moreish Marketing Ltd does not tolerate any slavery or human trafficking within its business operations and takes a risk-based approach regarding its supply chains.

All our employees have the necessary documentation to legally work in the UK and no-one under the legal minimum age for admission to work is employed.

The marketing and advertising sector is not considered one most at risk. Moreish Marketing do not have intricate supply chains, multiple levels of contracting and subcontracting, or partner with businesses based in impoverished regions of the world where labour laws are non-existent or not enforced.

However, policies are in place to guard against such practices in our supply chains; all contracts with any partners are subject to various forms of vetting, including the verification of information provided to the Group.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

We undertake at all times comply with the DPA (including the data protection principles referred to in the DPA) and any subordinate or associated regulations.

In addition to the general obligations under this clause, Moreish Marketing shall:

  • comply with its obligations in respect of the rights of the individuals as set out in the DPA (including the data protection principles referred to in the DPA), and maintain its notification with the Data Protection Registrar within all appropriate categories under such legislation;
  • not use any personal data nor reproduce it in whole or in part in any form except as may be required by this Agreement;
  • not disclose any personal data to any third party or persons not authorised by the Customer to receive it (including the dissemination or processing of personal data outside the European Economic Area).

We shall (as a data processor under the DPA) process any personal data contained within the Customer’s data only in accordance with the express permission and written instructions of the Customer. The Customer shall be deemed to have instructed Moreish to process any such personal data to the extent reasonably necessary for the project.

We shall take appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, the personal data of our Clients. We shall notify Clients immediately in the event of unauthorised or unlawful processing, or loss or damage to Clients’ personal data.

We expect suppliers to respect data belonging to others, preserve confidentiality and data subjects’ individual rights. Have in place appropriate policies, contract terms and procedures (including procedures to manage and resolve breaches), and to be able to demonstrate that they are aware of the data they process, and that such personal data is processed in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and international standards.

Information Security

We expect suppliers to demonstrate they have effective, industry-standard best practice security controls in place to protect all customer information that is stored or handled by their systems in providing services to us. Demonstrate they conduct routine security assessments on their systems and processes.


We expect suppliers to have appropriate insurance policies to cover claims and liabilities arising from the goods and/or services being provided to us with appropriate limits, compliant with national requirements. Have the following policies in place: broad form public liability insurance, and employer’s liability insurance / worker’s compensation insurance.

Please see our full policy.

If you need any help or want more detail on any of these Terms of Conditions or codes of behaviours please reach out to our Director at [email protected].